Twitter Image tags are one of the 3 most important tags to use on your site because Twitter uses these tags when your content is shared to represent the content of your page.
Twitter Image
Social Networks Supported:
- Importance: Useful, but not required
- Can use multiple times on same page: Yes
- Tag Placement: Head section
- Example: <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />
Twitter Image recommendations
It is acceptable to add multiple twitter:image tags to each page of your site. The first twitter:image tag in your <head> section will generally be used as the default image when shared. However, there are benefits to adding additional Twitter Image tags:
- Twitter has dimension restrictions on the image that is shared. By providing additional options, you can help ensure that the best image is available for the networks to display.
In general, it is always recommended to set at least one twitter:image tag on your page. Without setting any image tag, you are allowing the social network to choose the image they feel best represents the content. In many cases, they will choose incorrectly and something like an RSS icon or some other generic, unrelated, image will be used.
Choosing your image for the twitter:image tag
- Set an image with dimensions at least 120x120 px.
- Twitter limits images to be less than 1MB in size.
- We recommend a 1:1 (square) ratio with the primary content centered. Images larger than 120x120 px will be resized and Twitter will crop down the image to a square based on its longest dimension.